Common Causes of White Spots on Teeth

November 2, 2022 by seo-admin

When you think about tooth discoloration, you may think of black or dark brown stains. But sometimes, teeth can develop discolorations like white spots. The white spots have a different shade than the rest of your teeth, making them quite noticeable.

A white spot on your teeth usually develops due to several factors. Understanding the causes of white spots on teeth can help you get proper treatment and prevent more serious oral health problems.

The following are the possible reasons for white spots on teeth.


Generally, fluoride promotes a healthy mouth. The proper amount of fluoride is essential for the health of your teeth, particularly during your childhood when your teeth are developing.

However, in the same way, you can have too little of a mineral; you can have too much of it. The excessive intake of fluoride during tooth and bone development causes fluorosis. The high level of fluoride can cause white spots on the teeth.

Taking fluoride supplements or swallowing fluoride toothpaste are two of the most common causes of too much fluoride.


The medicine we take plays an essential role in keeping us healthy. Unfortunately, some medicines can cause white spots on tooth enamel, especially if the tooth is still developing.

Examples of such medications include antibiotics like tetracycline, which can influence tooth development. During early childhood, tetracycline can cause white spots on the teeth. When taken by a pregnant woman, the medicine may cause permanent tooth discoloration in the child.

Enamel Hypoplasia

Hypoplasia of the enamel, also known as a turners tooth, refers to thin enamel on the teeth. The onset of enamel hypoplasia usually occurs during childhood, but it can also appear in adults. The condition affects approximately 1 in 14,000 people.

Hypoplasia disrupts normal enamel formation, which can result in sensitivity, pits in the surface of the enamel, or white spots.

Among the causes of enamel hypoplasia are hereditary factors, vitamin deficiencies, and trauma to the teeth. Preterm births and smoking while pregnant may also contribute to the condition.


Your diet can cause white spots on your teeth, especially if you eat too much acidic food. The acid can break down your tooth enamel, which can lead to white spots on your teeth.

Eating a diet high in sugar can lead to acidic plaque, which can lead to white spots.

White stains on teeth can also result from a diet low in calcium, which deprives the enamel of the building blocks it needs to remain healthy.

Having acid reflux can also cause white spots on your teeth because of the acid produced in the stomach, throat, and mouth.

Bacterial Overgrowth

The mouth is a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive. Specifically, a highly acidic environment that reaches even greater acidity when we consume food or drinks.

When bacteria build up in the mouth, demineralization, also known as decalcification, occurs. When demineralization sets in, it weakens your teeth, resulting in a loss of minerals. The loss of minerals results in white spots on your teeth.

Poor oral hygiene can lead to plaque accumulation, especially while wearing braces. The plaque deposits under or around brackets may cause spots on the teeth after removing braces.

Sleeping With Your Mouth Open

If you wake up in the morning with white spots on your teeth that disappear within a few hours, sleeping with your mouth open may be the cause.

You notice white spots on your teeth due to dehydration of the enamel on your teeth. Your teeth rehydrate as soon as they receive saliva contact, and the white spots disappear.

The above are just a few possibilities for what causes white spots on teeth. Nonetheless, if you’re noticing white spots where you had none before, consult an experienced dentist. You have several treatment options for white spots on your teeth or your child’s teeth, regardless of the cause.

Contact us today to learn more about white spots on your teeth or to schedule an appointment.