The Process of Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed


Have you been experiencing pain in your jaw and think that your wisdom teeth are coming in? If so, you’ll need to have your wisdom teeth extracted by a dentist. Not only will it alleviate the pain, but it will help clear up issues with overcrowding and tooth impaction. Here is what you can expect to happen throughout the entire process.


You’ll start off by getting an examination from your dentist to determine what is happening underneath your gums. They’ll take an X-ray to get a good look at the wisdom teeth to determine if they’re growing in and how.

The X-ray will tell the dentist how many wisdom teeth you have and how they are coming in. The dentist may be able to determine why you are experiencing pain, which could be due to a wisdom tooth growing sideways and impacting against a nearby tooth. It could also be due to overcrowding, where the wisdom tooth doesn’t have room to fit in your mouth.

By the end of the exam, you’ll have a clear idea about what is going on with your wisdom teeth. The next step, if the dentist finds that it is necessary, will be to set a date for the extraction procedure.


If you are nervous about going to the dentist for your wisdom tooth extraction procedure, they may prescribe you a sedative that will help calm you down prior to your appointment. You will need to have a friend or family member drive you to the dentist since you won’t be able to drive after the procedure due to the type of dental sedation.

Your dentist will likely give you anesthesia before the procedure. Some anesthesia options include:

  • Local anesthesia. This numbs the area around the tooth so you don’t experience any pain, but you are otherwise conscious.
  • General anesthesia. You will be unconscious for the procedure and wake when it’s over.
  • Conscious sedation. With this technique, you’re conscious but won’t remember much of the procedure afterward.

Your dentist can advise you on which form of sedation is best, which include going over the risks of each method.

The extraction of the wisdom teeth is relatively quick. After making an incision into your gums, the dentist may need to remove some bone that is preventing them easy access to the wisdom tooth. If the tooth is still under the gumline, the dentist may break it up into sections to make it easier to remove. Once the surgical site is clean, stitches are used to close up the incision and help the area heal.


Expect to take a couple of days off of work or school to recover from your wisdom tooth extraction. The key to getting through the recovery process is to prevent dry socket from happening in the extraction site. Dry socket is when the important blood clot over the removal site becomes dislodged and delays healing.

You should avoid any sort of action that is going to put a lot of pressure in your mouth. This includes drinking through a straw, smoking cigarettes, and putting a lot of stress on your body. Avoid exercising or any strenuous activities that can put pressure on your gums.

Having soft foods on hand is also going to help with the recovery process. Before the surgery, stock up on yogurt, applesauce, and anything else that does not require you to chew in order to eat it.

If you notice that the pain is getting worse after the surgery, reach out to your dentist at Accent Dental. You may need a check in with them to look for signs of dry socket and make sure that it is treated right away.